Class blackoilPhase

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class blackoilPhase : public phase

Public Functions

blackoilPhase(const word &name, const dictionary &transportProperties, const fvMesh &mesh)

Construct from components.

virtual ~blackoilPhase()


volScalarField &mu()

Return a ref to dynamic viscosity.

const volScalarField &mu() const

Return a const-ref to dynamic viscosity.

const dimensionedScalar &standardRho() const

Return a const-ref to standard density.

volScalarField &rho()

Return ref to density field.

const volScalarField &rho() const

Return const-ref to density field.

const volScalarField &rFVF() const

Return const 1|FVF.

const volScalarField &drFVFdP()

Return const drFVFdP ref.

void correct()

Update FVF from Models.

virtual bool writeData(Ostream &os) const

Write data to ostream.

Protected Attributes

dimensionedScalar rhoSc_

Phase density at standard conditions.

volScalarField rho_

Phase density field.

volScalarField mu_

Phase dynamic viscosity.

autoPtr<FVFModel> BModel_

FVF Model.