Class FVFModel

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Type

Class Documentation

class FVFModel

A generic abstract class for Formation Volume Factor Calculation.

Source files

Subclassed by tabulatedFVF

Public Functions


Runtime type information.

declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, FVFModel, dictionary, (const word &name, const dictionary & phaseDict , const volScalarField &p), (name, phaseDict , p))
FVFModel(const word &name, const dictionary &phaseDict, const volScalarField &p)

Construct from components.

virtual ~FVFModel()


const dictionary &phaseDict() const

Return model hosting dictionary.

const volScalarField &rFVF() const

Return const ref to 1|FVF.

const volScalarField &drFVFdP() const

Return const ref d(1|FVF)/dP.

virtual void correct() = 0

Correct the FVF.

Public Static Functions

Foam::autoPtr<Foam::FVFModel> New(const word &name, const dictionary &phaseDict, const volScalarField &p)

Return a reference to the selected FVFModel model.

Protected Functions

FVFModel(const FVFModel&)

Disallow copy construct.

void operator=(const FVFModel&)

Disallow default bitwise assignment.

Protected Attributes

word name_

Model Name.

dictionary phaseDict_

Hosting dict.

const volScalarField &p_

Const ref to phase pressure field.

volScalarField rFVF_

1|FVF field

volScalarField drFVFdP_

d(1|FVF)/dP field