Class krBrooksCorey

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class krBrooksCorey : public Foam::relativePermeabilityModelBase<2>

Modified two-phases Brooks-Corey relative permeability model:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}k_{rw} = k_{rw, max}(\frac{S_w-S_{wi}}{1-S_{wi}-S_{or}})^{m_w}\\k_{rn} = k_{rn, max}(\frac{1-S_w-S_{nr}}{1-S_{wi}-S_{nr}})^{m_n}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]



Corey Exponents


Relative permeability


Wetting and NonWetting indices respectively


Irreducible wetting saturation


Residual non-wetting saturation

\(k_{rn, max}\)

End point relative permeability to oil normalized to absolute plug air permeability

\(k_{rw, max}\)

End point relative permeability to water normalized to absolute plug air permeability

Source files

Public Functions


Runtime type information.

krBrooksCorey(const word &name, const dictionary &transportProperties, const fvMesh &mesh)

Construct from components.



const wordList phaseNames() const

Return associated phase names as a list.

const word canonicalPhase() const

Return canonical phase name.

label phaseIndex(const word &phaseName) const

Return phase index.

void correct()

Correct the relative permeabilities.